Should you choose aluminium windows or timber windows for your home? Both designs could give your home a stylish new design that captures people’s attention. However, with timber windows, the looks don’t last for as long. Your wooden designs won’t be weatherproof, meaning the timber can crack, twist and fade after a few years.
Aluminium windows, though, have no problem with this at all. As a material, aluminium is weather-resistant, and modern windows are far more durable than older designs. Even modern timber windows can still wear away over time, and they need a lot of maintenance. And, when it comes to prices, aluminium windows are cheaper for your home as well.
With Abbey Aluminium, you can make the right choice for your home with ease. We offer high-quality aluminium windows that are the perfect replacement for old timber windows and can outperform new ones. Our designs have durable profiles, advanced double glazing and the latest hardware and technology too. You can also be sure that your windows will perform for up to half a century!
Aluminium Windows vs Timber Windows: Design
One of the main reasons homeowners choose timber windows is their aesthetic. Wood offers an authentic look that other windows struggle to match. But, after a few years, that authentic look becomes difficult to maintain. Wood can lose its quality more quickly than aluminium, meaning your windows will fade, discolour and rot at a faster pace.
Aluminium windows, on the other hand, are a sleek and stylish addition to your home. Aluminium is a stronger material than timber, too, meaning you can get designs that have slimmer frames. As a result, the whole design is elegant and offers a modern look that lasts independently. Aluminium won’t wear down for decades, and it can protect the hardware inside from rust too!
If you have a more traditional home, you don’t have to choose timber to keep its looks. You can style our aluminium frames with authentic woodgrain finishes, meaning you can blend them in with your existing home. Additionally, with colour options like anthracite grey, you can choose a stylish, minimalist look that contrasts with timber. Our aluminium windows will look how you want them to, and for decades to come!
Aluminium Windows vs Timber Windows: Performance
With timber windows, you’ll get a sturdy design for your home. Wood is a strong material, meaning your windows will be impact-resistant and thermally efficient as well. However, wood is fairly easy to break, and it becomes weaker in poor weather conditions. Once the window fades, burglars and intruders might see the signs of this and see your home as an easy target.
However, aluminium windows are an intruder’s worst nightmare. You’ll get an almost bulletproof design, as aluminium is a precious metal with unbelievable inherent strength. As a result, it can protect your home from burglars and protect the hardware inside too. And, when the weather turns on you, your aluminium windows will be even more efficient than timber windows!
As a result, you’ll be able to capture more of your home’s natural heat. Not only that, cold air from outside won’t be able to pass into your home, thanks to durable double glazing and air and water-tight aluminium frames. Your new windows will keep your home warm without you needing to use your central heating, meaning you can save money on your energy bills and even pay your investment back over time!
Aluminium Windows vs Timber Windows: Costs
Aluminium windows can start from around £540 on average for your home. But, while that’s more expensive than uPVC designs, aluminium windows are cheaper than timber windows. You end up paying a lot for a classic look, and you also pay more over time. Once timber windows start to fade, you could spend a lot of money on repainting, maintenance and even repairs if cracks and gaps develop in the frames.
Aluminium windows, then, are a much better investment. You’ll save more money on your energy bills and for more time, meaning you can potentially make thousands of pounds back with our designs. Not only that, aluminium windows require far less maintenance than timber windows. You can even get self-cleaning glazing to make your life that much easier!
And, if you’re still not sold on aluminium windows over timber windows, you could get in touch with Abbey. With us, you’ll get low prices for leading window designs from a trusted local installer. We’ll even let you fully customise your new aluminium windows, meaning you can create a bespoke design for your home! As a result, you’ll make an investment that benefits your home for a lifetime.
Aluminium Windows Prices
At Abbey, we offer high-quality aluminium windows for competitive prices in your area!
Get in touch with our friendly team today using our online contact form or calling 01189 071 401! And, if you’d like to see what your aluminium windows could look like and cost, create your dream design in our online quoting engine today.