Aluminum Windows Thatcham

Our terrific range of Aluminium Windows will enhance the aesthetics and performance of your Thatcham home.

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Aluminum Windows Thatcham

Aluminium windows are a terrific way to transform your home in Thatcham. Windows with aluminium frames are strong, sleek and efficient, and they can outperform uPVC designs in nearly every way. Not only that, your new window could last for decades without regular maintenance. As a result, they can help you save money for a long time to come.

At Abbey, we’re proud to offer aluminium windows from leading manufacturers for homes in Thatcham. By working with AluK and Origin, we make sure that you can choose from a wide range of leading window designs. Your new window will feature premium-grade aluminium profiles and outstanding hardware, meaning your design will work brilliantly.

Our aluminium frame is available across our window range as well, which include Casement Windows, Tilt and Turn Windows, French Casement Windows, Aluminium Shaped Windows, Bay Windows and Slimline Aluminium Windows. You can even customise your windows with us, and get aluminium doors in Thatcham to complete the look!

Aluminium Window Prices Thatcham

Benefits of Aluminium Windows

Aluminium windows offer a terrific balance of style and performance to transform your Thatcham home.

Aluminium Windows Sonning Common

Tailored Design

At Abbey, we don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach to our aluminium windows in Thatcham. Instead, we make sure all of our windows fit one person – you. All of our designs are bespoke, with a range of customisable colours, hardware and accessories. As a result, you can tailor your new window to you.

Windows Sonning Common

Increased Security

With Abbey, you can protect what matters most. Our aluminium windows come with leading security hardware, such as multi-point locking systems, to keep burglars and intruders away from your home in Thatcham. You can have peace of mind with our durable, impact-resistant aluminium window designs.


Sonning Common Aluminium Windows

Thermally Efficient

Your old windows could be losing as much as 10% of your home’s energy! But, with Abbey’s aluminium windows, you can take back control of your Thatcham home’s temperature. Our thermally efficient windows have double glazing and air and water-tight profiles to keep your home warm all year round.


Aluminnium Windows Sonning Common Cost

Low Maintenance

Our aluminium windows could be the ideal replacement for old timber windows in your Thatcham home. While wooden windows need a lot of maintenance, aluminium windows do just fine by themselves. You can make your windows last for half a century by only wiping them down with a damp cloth!

Aluminium Window Prices Sonning Common


With our aluminium windows, you can make an excellent investment in your Thatcham home. Our designs combine superb energy savings with a durable, long-lasting build. Because of this, your windows will pay themselves back over the decades, ensuring you benefit in the long term.

Bespoke Aluminium Windows Sonning Common

Colour Co-Ordinated

Finally, you can choose a unique colour for our aluminium windows. Our colour match service means you can perfectly match your new windows up with your existing decor. With our wide range of colours and finishes, your new window will look perfect in any home, no matter where you live!


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Aluminium Roof Lanterns

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Design of Aluminium Windows

Abbey offer six styles of aluminium windows for homes in Thatcham, so you’re bound to find a design that works for you!

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Aluminium Casement Windows

Aluminium casement windows are the UK's most popular style. And, with their stylish combination of advanced double glazing and slimline aluminium frames, it's easy to see why.

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Aluminium Tilt & Turn Windows

Aluminium tilt and turn windows can open in multiple ways in your Thatcham home. You can tilt them inward for easy cleaning, outward for better ventilation, and in other ways too.

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Aluminium French Casement Windows

Our French casement windows are a sleek, stylish option for your home with a touch of European flair. And, with aluminium profiles, they can last for decades inside your home.

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Aluminium Shaped Windows

Don't settle for a shape that isn't perfect. With Abbey, you can get aluminium shaped windows in any design you want! Speak to Abbey about your needs, and we'll make them happen.

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Aluminium Bay Windows

Aluminium bay windows can draw the attention of anybody inside your Thatcham home. Bay windows have a soft curve and full double glazing section that allows natural light to pour in.

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Slimline Aluminium Windows

All of our aluminium windows are slimline designs for your Thatcham home. As a result, you can open up your home with stunning views of the outside world.

Aluminium Window Prices Thatcham

If you’d like to find out more about installing our aluminium windows in your home in Thatcham, contact Abbey today!

You can use our online quoting engine to design bespoke aluminium windows for your home in Thatcham in minutes.

And, with our online contact form, you could ask our friendly team any questions you may have. We’re also available over the phone on 01189 071 401!


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