Here at Abbey, we specialise in superior aluminium products for our customers in Reading and the surrounding areas. When you choose us, you can know you can rely on our windows and doors, expertly installed with our friendly and professional service.
Homeowners across the region are choosing us to improve their homes. If you want to reap the countless benefits of aluminium windows and doors, you know who to call.
We are also keen to share our projects with you, so you can see the work we’ve carried out and consider how we can do the same for you. Get some inspiration for your next project by taking a look at one of our most recent case studies. We’ll share with you what we did, why we did it, and how we can do the
Aluminium Windows
At this latest project, our customer was keen to enjoy vast views over their property without compromising on safety, security and thermally efficiency.
Origin aluminium windows feature impressively slim frames for a sleek and streamlined appearance that perfectly suits this modern window style.
With our newly installed aluminium windows in place, the homeowner’s property enjoyed higher performance immediately as well as being more stylish and modern. Aluminium windows allow your home to retain its heat for longer while keeping cold air at bay. This makes your entire living space a more comfortable place to be without reliance on central heating, so you will even save money on your bills too.
Invest in the future of your home when it comes to style, performance and energy efficiency with our modern aluminium window styles.
Aluminium Doors
You can open up any property with aluminium bi-fold doors. The bi-folding design of this modern door style, installed here in stunning aluminium, allows you to move seamlessly between your inside and outside living space.
Pictured here from our recent installation, our valued customer was delighted with the amount of natural light that was able to fill their property, even when their new bi-fold doors were closed. The large glazed areas, featuring advanced and thermally efficient double glazing, allows an influx of light without compromising on safety and security.
Our aluminium bi-fold doors and other door styles are precision-engineered to stand the test of time. No matter what colour or finish you choose, rest assured that your design is built to last and built to perform for you.
Open up your home to new possibilities when you choose our aluminium bi-fold door styles. They’ll help your home achieve its full potential by creating a brighter living space that feels bigger, as you can see here. Make the most of your home with Abbey.
Aluminium Home Improvement Prices
Here at Abbey, we’re proud to work with the finest manufacturers and aluminium providers around, so you can enjoy superior home improvements.
Explore our website to find out more about our aluminium windows and doors, sourced from market-leaders Origin and AluK, and expertly installed by Abbey.
Use our innovative online design tool to plan your next project and put your home improvement plans into motion today. We’re sure you’re inspired by this recent project of ours, so we look forward to hearing from you soon.